Sunday, March 21, 2010

listen love, sunshine makes my life.

This week has been marvelous. Sunshine times a lot. It's kind of like when you've been waiting for your birthday for a whole year and then it comes. But instead of having the big soirée for a only one day, it comes for a whole week straight! Birthdays! A week of birthdays! A whole straight week of sunshiny birthday suit days! Anyway -I didn't mean that. Ps, my 19th birthday is in 19 days :)

Here's the thing, is that people look better when there is sun on their faces. I fall in love with everybody on a sunny day. Flip flops, dresses, ray bans, tie dye, and tank tops. If you are my future wife, plan on wearing some of those treasures. Also, plan on being in love everyday of your life, singing together, and drawing our names in the sand. Just a little plug in case you're out there. Loves.

Spring is everybody's favorite season, they just haven't realized it yet. Really though, just look at how everybody takes their shoes off and lays in the grass on the first warm and sunny day. Everybody smiles, and everybody laughs. I found this quote that says-

"If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm."

Well baby, the storms busted this popsicle stand so let's be lovers in the sun. Here are the ingredients: blanket, kool-aid, flowers, lunch box, sandbox, and someone that you adore. Before you know it, we'll be knocking at summer's front door.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Ideas on a card. An "Idea Card"

I have an "idea card." It's a note card that i keep in my wallet for when i have an idea I don't want to forget, or for when I hear something amazing. I just filled up my first card:
  • Give her wings to fly. -Pres. Hinckley
  • Why do the rich people get the credit for things? They may pay for a house, but it is human beings who actually create it. It's society, not the rich person.
  • The week should be 5 days, not 7. It makes sense. 365 is divisible by 5, so January 1st would always be a Monday. Holidays would always be the same day of the week.
  • You have to love who you teach. When you do, they'll know it. You can't hide it. -Elder Rector
  • Just because an advertisement asks you if you want a five star hotel by the airport, doesn't mean there is one.
  • When you hug someone, you should feel a lot more than the physical. Ho much emotion you feel from the touch has a lot to do with how much someone means to you.
  • A half hour of truly heart-felt service makes you feel better than running or exercise.

I was thinking last night about home. I am always in a mood to talk to my mom or go be with my family. The thing is that I can't just swing by the house when I live 2,000 miles away. Then I was like "wait, where is my home again?" Because, I've lived at BYU for 2 semesters. This is where I live, so essentially you could say it's my home, for the moment at least. I am a college student with a college lifestyle. If I went to my Ohio home, I would be missing a big part of my life. But, while I stay here I am also missing a big part of my life back in Ohio.

I guess you could say that I've split my soul into two horcruxes. One sits in P Town, and one sits in the Boro. When I go on my mission I'll make a third horcrux for France.

Ahyeah, I'm a wizard.

p.s. this is my new favorite song.