Thursday, January 21, 2010

Everybody's Doing It

Am I really doing it?

A few minutes ago I was invited to view a friend's new blog. Then I got to thinking, am I the only one without a blog? No, but for reasons of practicality -yes. I was first inspired by the girls over at the dollhouse. Their blog is simply the best. Furthermore, today is Thursday and we all know what that means! Nothing but ice skating class. 2-3:40. What a day to blog... take a break for some waltz jumps and triple salchows... then blog.

Gambling. Essentially, thats what a blog is. If I spend all this time writing, how do I know that even one person is going to read it? Do people even like reading blogs? Publishing a new post is like pulling the lever on the slots. If three lucky 7's role out, then that is 21 people to read my blog. But if I pull a cherry, a diamond, and a star, then what good does that do me? Cherries can't read, diamonds are in the sky with Lucy, and stars like Taylor Swift hardly have the time to read about the lives of their biggest fans. Me.

So I'm hoping that the slot machine rolls out everybody that I love. Because what use is living if you can't love and be loved? Rhetorical.

And GUESS WHAT?! I submitted my mission papers to my bishop yesterday!! ...Elder Benjamin Quinn Coburn. Not quite yet, but it's got a nice ring, huh? I am way too excited to describe. Ok, but here's a secret. I really am scared about having expectations for where I will be called. Of course, everybody wants to be called to Atlantis, or some equally enchanting part of the world. I am trying my very hardest not to expect some place really cool. And no doubt, I will go wherever the Lord needs me.


  1. My money is on Boise, Idaho--home of the Moose Kiss.
    And, can I just say how privileged I feel to be the first comment on your blog?

  2. posted by ben and michael? is this also his? :)

  3. i love your blogggy wogggy. thanks for the shout-out.

  4. You and Melanie would get along great! Taylor Swift plays in our house ALL DAY LONG!! Can't wait to hear where you are going for 2 years. Keep up the BLOG!


  5. I love your gambling analogy. It is very clever and witty. ;)
    BTW, why is Boise ID home of the Moose Kiss? I'm from there and I've NEVER heard that.
    But I think your going to the Polynesian Islands. You would rock one of those skirt things. Go forth!!!

  6. Ohio Columbus Mission?
    That was enchanting!

  7. you crack me up! I don't know where you will serve but I will tell you that whoever you get for companions will be so lucky to have such a happy optimistic Elder for a comp. We will be waiting on pins and needles.

  8. By the way....I'd like to see some of those sweet ice skating moves...
